Long story made short, ‘what the right hand gives – the left hand takes away’ – everyone who uses TracFone Wireless has been fooled over the past year and as long as we remain subscribers (or crawl back to AT&T as Bob has mentioned) we will be in the same situation. StraightTalk only promises Unlimited Data, they didn’t say it had to be quick silly! They do promise LTE however and have arranged this as an MVMO from their carriers, but you are throttled (usually early) and furthermore, if you read the terms – when your phone call (a data packet session that I can see on the network after it leaves its analog form in a radio wave) travels through the MVMO network carrier (AT&T or T-Mobile), you are rerouted through different network equipment and or ‘specialized network paths’ (in geek terms we call these a VLAN) where your data packets then are either ‘throttled’ or generally take a longer route and use a different RIP (routing information protocol) table to get to wherever your making your call or data session. This is why you see 3G on both AT&T (TFW aka HOME) and T-Mobile now TFW and your speeds have been slowed. Additionally, it would ensure that TFW users who did not have an LTE device could be forced off of the HSPA networks that are only permitted for use by their own postpaid subscribers. Additionally, this would also ensure that users see TFW instead of HOME vs T-Mobile and help with branding.
#Ios 8 carrier bundle files update
In this case, they could finally get the devices all on the same APN and carrier settings with a QR code to easy URL profile update (created by the Apple Configuration Manager BTW) – making customer service and satisfaction for the average user much better. It appears that AT&T convinced Apple in iOS 7.0.2 that they could essentially pull a magicians trick to make all the BYOP users happy.

How might I know this? I work as a malware analyst and in cyber security / network analysis. In fact, I WAS successfully able to jailbreak 7.1.2 but I really dislike jailbroken devices (as they are prone to more malware than already)(Apple devices have malware, its just you don’t know and Apple – doesn’t consider it malware/spyware). I’m sure AT&T has their hand in the 15.6 and 15.7 update.