Sketches adds a pattern tool to the mix which allows you to draw pattern shapes. Undo isn't done by turning the two-finger wheel as it is in Paper, but a two-finger swipe will do a similar job, yet only for the last action. A color chooser lets you add colors from the wheel to the palette. There are pencils, brushes, architectural pens, watercolor utilities, everything you might need from note-taking to real artistry. Sketches, once started, offers a white canvas with a group of drawing tools aligned. Sketches reminds me lots of the incredible app Paper, which we had here on Noupe several times. Sketches - Not Only the Paper-Look-Alike Contest Winner Its motto is "beautiful apps make beautiful drawings" (possible, I'd add) and the look and feel certainly lives up to it. Of course these sketches can be drawn in the funny tradition of Tayasui's gaming efforts, yet there is much more to this app. Sketches is, the name does not lie, an app for drawing sketches. Goo" aside, which although being international successes, don't really position Tayasui at the serious end of the app economy, Sketches is totally different. Putting apps such as "Talking Carl" or "Mr. Driven by illustrator Yann Le Coroller, Tayasui is known for a variety of apps you wouldn't necessarily associate with high-end image editing. Tayasui is Japanese and means "easy and simple". Sketches - Despite a Japanese Name, Created in Paris The app we want to introduce to you today is called Tayasui Sketches and at first sight it will remind you of Paper by FiftyThree, closely. All in all more than 50 billion apps have been downloaded from the App Store since its inception, which allows us to roughly estimate, that each human being walking this earth must own 8 apps on average. As we all know there is no shortage of apps for the Apple tablet in general.
It's been quite a while since we last published an article in our series of iPad apps for the creative professional.